Finding peace

Before our marriage, he told me that he would not be able to father children. He knew how badly I wanted to be a mother and promised that he would climb mountains to make that happen. As the initial all-encompassing love I felt for him began to fade into the day-to-day reality, I worried that... Continue Reading →

The Party

Our garden party began as I had imagined. The “Great Gatsby” theme brought out the elegance in everyone: tailored suits, perfectly coiffed hair and impeccable manners. Yet, how quickly the reserved and elegant atmosphere turned to mayhem once the champagne was uncorked and guests began drinking vodka directly from the bottles. The photographer hiding behind... Continue Reading →

The Escape

Without a word she dropped to the ground. Landing with a thud that shook her bones, she did a quick assessment of herself and found no new injuries. “Thank you, mom.” She looked up to the sky and smiled, confident that her mom was watching her. Tonight was the night Victoria had been waiting for –... Continue Reading →

The Forgotten

Life on the streets has never been easy. But it’s the only place I've ever felt comfortable. I was found outside of a convenience store. So many people in and out of that place in a day that no one could tell who had left me. Just me wrapped in a blanket, lying next to the cold brick... Continue Reading →


Life had once been defined by linears and absolutes. Then she met him. She had planned out her life down to the hour. She had achieved each of her goals. She had never made room for anyone so that she could stay on her track. The men she had dated were either on a similar track and had let... Continue Reading →

The Research Project – revisited – Part 1

When Chelsea saw the sign on the campus message board she couldn't wait to tell her friends about it. Volunteers needed for research project Overnight commitment Food and beverages provided Compensation available She had continually worked two jobs during her three years at college, yet she knew she'd still graduate with too much in student loans. All of the... Continue Reading →

The Research Project

When Chelsea saw the sign on the campus message board she couldn't wait to tell her friends about it. Volunteers needed for research project Overnight commitment Food and beverages provided Compensation available She had worked two jobs during her three years at college, yet she knew she'd still graduate with too much in student loans. This research project intrigued... Continue Reading →


" 'Don't blame the sinner.' That's what Uncle Mark said, mom. But, what is a sinner?"Linda dropped her chin to chest, sighed and counted to ten before she answered. She didn't look at her daughter, but instead continued to chop the potatoes for dinner."Well, my dear, a sinner is someone who does the wrong thing." Praying that her daughter wouldn't... Continue Reading →

He took off the wedding ring she knew he wore before he entered the room, hiding it safely in his pocket. Walking slowly, he held his arms behind his back holding tightly to the flowers he brought for her. As she turned to greet him, his heart skipped a beat. She never failed to have... Continue Reading →

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Tale Told

Short Stories, Poems, & Essays

Patricia J Grace

Author of SHATTERED, a memoir of childhood sexual abuse


#FlashMob Rules.


Conversations with Street People

Expat Eye on Germany

Becoming German in 473,937,493 easy steps

And Then What Happened?

Stories written by Wendy Just

One Good Dad


Tiantian Art

Watercolour and mixed media art

An Unperfect Life

because perfection is overrated

Poet's Corner

Poems, poets, poetry, writing, poetry challenges

Our Er-Lee Arrivals (Preemie Mom)

Because Some Things In Life Come Early...


Sweet Musings with a Bitterly Sharp Wit

tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

A place filled with mostly unfinished stories. Begun primarily as a direct result of my association with the OC Writer's Guild


caffeinated thought process


Survivor of Child Abuse - Member in Recovery

luna tick eclipse

Swimming In the Mystery of All There Is

Laith's Ramblings

Random stuff from the pen of Laith Preston

∼ Reconstructing Christina ∼

A Collection of Muses, Madness or...Magic

Joe's Musings

Seven years ago I started this adventure not really sure what would be my imprint on blogging. Twenty-one hundred days later the evidence is in the following posts and I await your impression.

Inside of Love

No, this blog is not about love.


Turning Tears and Laughter into Words

Dreams and Demons

Can you hear the silence?

Natasha's Memory Garden

A fine site

Anxiety and the Girl

One girl's adventures overcoming anxiety to live!

hearts on sleeves club

If you wear your heart on your sleeve, join the club.

Holistic Wellness for Life

Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.

Slightly Ignorant

Ilana Masad Writes

Mostly Bright Ideas

Some of these thoughts may make sense. But don't count on it.

A Canvas Of The Minds

A unique collaboration of different perspectives on mental health and life

The Official Blog For Mental Health Project

Making mental health everyone's concern


Savor Kindness because cruelty is always possible later

Damyanti Biswas

For lovers of reading, crime writing, crime fiction

@Zebra Crossing

This site is "much ado about nothing";-)

Apoplectic Apostrophes

Confessions of a Grammar Ghoul

101 Challenges in 1001 Days

Time for some goal setting ..... can I do all 101 challenges in 1001 days?

Momus News

Humorous News, Photos, and Short Fiction